
The construction and writing process for this paper was something I had an overall extremely pleasant experience with. The topic I wrote about in my final essay was community activism in the light of recent events in popular culture such as Beyonce’s push for equality and the Ferguson riots. I also talked about this topic by adding my personal experiences with activism in the paper. The writing of the paper was the easy part for me as I enjoyed what I was writing about because it is a subject that hits close to home for me. The hard part about this assignment for me was the formation of the e portfolio. I am a person who enjoys writing a paper on a piece of paper and keeping to an old style of writing and an old style of learning. When we transitioned to the electronic and modern side of the class I struggled a little bit. I struggled a little with finding media to support my paper on my blog and I struggled with formatting my blog so that it was accessible and pleasant to look at for my blog readers. This was mainly because I had a hard time finding the right buttons to press and finding out how to use this website to create a wonderful blog for my final e portfolio that others would like to look into. Overall, in the end I figured out how to work my way around the website and make it the best it can be. I worked very hard on this final project and I am excited to be able to make something online and write about something that many other people can see.

In my paper I considered the importance of community activism in our world. In our class this semester we discussed the importance of activism by studying essays by Edelman, Alice Walker and others. These essays along with books by Coates and articles on Beyonce and other activism leaders helped me immensely with what I was discussing in my paper. Without those things, I don’t even think that I would have discussed activism in my final paper. Those pieces really grabbed my attention throughout the semester and it created a dramatic impact on me and my views of the world of activism. Yes, activism has been a part of my life in the past but I am starting to see just how big of an effect it has on our world and I enjoyed writing and researching on the topic.

Over the course of the semester my views on many things have been changed due to an increased knowledge on certain topics. I now have different and more knowledgeable view on climate change, and I have deeper, more positive views on the race for equality in our world. This class has brought light to so many issues in my world and I have benefited greatly from them. My writing has benefited and has grown and I now enjoy writing about issues like the ones we have discussed in class this semester. I am grateful I have taken this class and will carry the things I have learned with me for the rest of my college career.